Movie In White tratterà i dati personali degli utenti raccolti durante la navigazione e l’utilizzo del Sito attraverso strumenti elettronici e automatizzati (v. anche successiva sezione “Cookie”).

I dati personali potranno essere trattati per le seguenti finalità:
a) esecuzione di obblighi strettamente connessi e strumentali all’utilizzo del Sito, alla registrazione e all’accesso alle aree riservate dello stesso;
b) rispondere a specifiche richieste;
c) adempiere ad obblighi di legge;
d) esecuzione di statistiche e misurazione del livello di soddisfazione del cliente, nonché invio di comunicazioni promozionali e di newsletter (mediante posta e telefono, posta elettronica e sms, anche tramite strumenti automatizzati) ai contatti rilasciati al momento della compilazione del form di registrazione online;
e) trattamento delle informazioni relative all’uso del Sito (quali frequenza d’uso, modalità, abitudini, interessi, statistiche, etc.) attraverso l’impiego di cookie (v. successiva sezione “Cookies Policy”);

Movie In White non utilizzerà i vostri dati personali, non saranno oggetto di diffusione ne saranno comunicati a terzi.

Cookie Policy

Movie In White utilizza cookie per fornire servizi che migliorino l’esperienza di navigazione degli utenti.

Come utilizziamo i cookie:

• Utilizziamo cookie di navigazione anonimi, necessari per consentire agli utenti di navigare correttamente su Movie In White, utilizzare tutte le funzionalità ed accedere ad aree sicure.
• Utilizziamo cookie analitici per capire meglio come i nostri utenti utilizzano il sito web, per ottimizzare e migliorare il sito, rendendolo sempre interessante e rilevante per gli utenti.
Queste informazioni sono anonime, e utilizzate solo a fini statistici.

Non utilizziamo i cookie commerciali per mostrarti le nostre pubblicità su altri siti web.

Questi cookie vengono solitamente inseriti da parti terze di fiducia (come Google attraverso il remarketing per la pubblicità display), tuttavia, Movie In White non consente a tali società di raccogliere informazioni personali relative agli utenti. Ciò significa che sarà garantito l’anonimato e i dati personali non verranno usati da altri siti web o database di marketing.

Come modificare o disattivare le preferenze dei cookie
• Potrai stabilire quali sono i cookie che desideri ricevere e quali no dalle impostazioni del tuo browser.

Microsoft Windows Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Microsoft Edge

Se utilizzi un browser differente e non sai come fare, puoi cliccare sul tasto tasto “Help” del tuo browser.

• Per disattivare i cookie di parti terze che consentono la personalizzazione della pubblicità in funzione del comportamento sul sito web puoi visitare i siti e per identificare i membri NAI ( (Network Advertising Initiative) che hanno inserito cookie pubblicitari sul tuo computer.

Rev. 1 – 28/05/2014

In accordance with section 13 of legislative decree no. 196 of 30th June 2003 (“Privacy Code”), the following information describes the way in which Movie In White processes the personal data of users gathered through its website (the “site”) and through other sources.

Data Controller

The controller of personal data is Francesco Ariemma, via Crispi, 7, 22100 Como

Categories and nature of processed data

Movie In White will process personal data of users gathered through the navaigation  and use of its website, as well as data gathered at the moment of registration through use of automated electronic system

(see “Movie In White ’s Cookies Policy”)

General Use of Personal Data

Personal data can be processed for the following purposes:

  1. a) general use of the personal data necessary for the correct use of the website and strictly connected to it,  registration and access to private areas;
  2. b) responding to specific requests;
  3. c) fulfilling legal obligations;
  4. d) for monitoring and analysing statistics and measurements of customer satisfaction levels, as well as for  sending promotional communications and newsletter (via post and phone, email and SMS, or via other automated tools) to contacts released at the moment of completing the online registration form;
  5. e) processing of information related to the use of the site (such as frequency of use, purpose of use, habits, interests, statistics, through the use of cookies; (see “Movie In White ’s Cookies policy”)

Obligatory or optional nature of data gathering and consent refusal consequences

With regard to the purposes referred to in points a), b) and c), consenting  Movie In White the use of your personal data is obligatory, and the related data processing does not require your consent. The provision of data related to the fields marked as non-obligatory  on the registration form is optional.

The provision of data for purposes referred to in points d) and e) is optional, and refusal will not have any adverse consequences.

Details related to more recent orders are available on the Personal Andrea of each customer.

Users are free to cancel their newsletter subscription at any time by clicking on the link “unsubscribe” found in every promotional mail.


Personal Data Processing

Personal data is processed by automated systems, strictly correlated to its final use, for the time necessary to reach the objectives for which the data was collected and in compliance with applicable law. Specific security measures are put in place to prevent loss of data, illegal or incorrect use and unauthorised access. Gathered information is stored safely and securely.
Area of communication of personal data

Personal data will not be diffused and may be be disclosed in Italy or in other EU States for the above mentioned, to third parties which act on behalf of or in the name of Movie In White , such as those responsible for the delivery of products, credit instinutions, our legal and fiscal consultants, outsourcers, etc.

For the purpose indicated above, data can be viewed by staff employed at Movie In White or those responsible for data processing.

The person in charge of data processing for Movie In White is the Sales Manager. An updated list of those responsible for data processing is available from the company’s head office.

Customer’s rights

We inform you that the Privacy Code entitles you to exercise certain rights.

In particular, at any time, you can attain: a) the confirmation of the existence or non-existence of personal data regarding yourself, even if it not yet registered, and the disclosure of this information in an intelligible form; b) an indication of the origin of personal data, of the purposes and modalities of data processing as well as the method applied in the case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic equipment; c) an indication of the identity of the owner and those in charge as well as the individuals or groups of individuals to whom the information can be disclosed to or whom can become aware of it; d) the update, the rectification, the integration of data, as well as the cancellation, the transformation to an anonymous form or the blocking of processed data in violation of the law, including that information which is not necessary to conserve in relation to the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed; e) The attestation that the operations referred to in d) have been brought to the attention, even in regards to their content, to those to whom the data has been disclosed, except when this proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right. The interested party, pursuant to section 7 of the Privacy Code has the right to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the processing of personal data, even if it is relevant to the purpose of gathered data, as well as the processing of personal data with the aim of sending promotional mail or for other purposes for which they have given their consent.
All of these rights can be seen by contacting Movie In White di Francesco Ariemma, via Crispi, 7, 22100 Como | Telefono: +39 0316871249 Cell: +39 3384482451 E-mail: | P.Iva 03217040132.

Movie In White Cookies Policy

Movie In White uses cookies to provide services which improve the clients’ browsing experience.
How do we use cookies:

  • We use anonymous browsing cookies, necessary to allow the user to correctly browse Movie In White ’s website, use all functions and access secure areas.
  • We use analytical cookies to better understand how our users use the website, to optimise and improve the site, by making it more interesting and relevant for the users.

This information is anonymous, and is used only for statistical purposes.

We use anonymous commercial cookies to show you our advertising on other websites, based on products you have viewed while browsing previously. These cookies are usually inserted by trusted third parties (such as Google through remarketing for display advertising); however, Movie In White does not permit such companies to collect personal information related to users. This means that anonymity is guaranteed and personal data will not be used by other sites or marketing databases.

How to edit or deactivate cookie preferences.

  • From the settings of your browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome etc.) you will be able to establish which cookies you want to receive and which ones you don’t. To know where you can find these settings, use the “Help” button on your browser.
  • Visitors can deactivate Google Analytics for display advertising and personalise Google Display Network adverts by using Settings for ad preferences.
  • To deactivate third party cookies which allow the personalisation of adverts based on website usage, you can visit the sites and to identify the NAI members (Network Advertising Initiative) which have inserted advertising cookies on your computer.

To take advantage of the behavioural advertising program’s opt-out option of a NAI or IAB member, tick the box corresponding to the company you wish to be excluded.

Rev. 1 – 25/05/2015